Why Now is the Time to Start Planning Your Garden
It may still be winter, but we’re dreaming of spring weather. Can you blame us?
Spring brings green grass and gardening. If you’re new to gardening, you might be surprised to read that you should start your garden now, especially when the south usually sees a frost late in the year before officially warming up for spring.
Not only are there many things you can plant now that will withstand that frost and the remainder of the winter, but gardening starts with planning. A whole lot of planning. Planning a garden requires a lot of work and time, and isn’t as simple as picking out a few plants.
Here are a few things you need to think about as you plan your garden:
- Keep in mind any plants or flowers you had last year that will grow back in the spring. (If you have a new garden, you won’t have to worry about this.)
- Plant arrangement – where will it all go? Be strategic here!
- Think of the sun exposure in your garden area. This is going to help when choosing the plants you want.
- Clean out your tools and make sure they’re ready to go.
- Decide your garden’s purpose. Are you planting for food? Or to add pops of color to an area around your home? Don’t plant just to plant.
- Find some plants you can begin growing indoors (and then place outdoors once they’ve grown).
Where to Start
Go ahead and create a layout of your garden on paper as you decide everything you’re going to plant. Do your research and know what plants can and should go where.
Not sure what plants would be best? This is a great time to start growing your tomatoes and peppers indoors as you wait for an early spring planting. You can also go ahead and plant some of the green vegetables such as:
Thanks to TowerGarden.com for this list.
Many of these plants can handle light freezes, and many of them actually prefer the cold. Don’t fret if your garden experiences a few frosts.
If you’re worried about the weather, here’s a great calendar from the Farmer’s Almanac that will give you more information based on your location.
If you want to enjoy a healthy garden well into late spring, the time to start is now. It takes a lot of planning and work, but it’s worth it! Have questions about what you should plant? Your Turf Masters rep will be able to tell you what your soil is like, how your grass behaves, and more. Reach out to them or contact us here.
We would love to see pictures of your garden setup! Tag us in your pictures on Facebook or Instagram.