Leaves On Your Lawn
Have you ever looked out on a cool fall morning on your leaf-covered lawn? Although the colorful mix of yellow, brown, and orange leaves may resemble a beautiful painting, if the leaves stay on your grass for too long, there could be adverse effects. Leaves don't present many dangers, but they encourage pests and fungal diseases. Keep reading to learn more about why it's important to keep leaves off your lawn.
Why Leaf Removal Is Important
A thick layer of leaves can reduce the grass leaf blades' proper absorption of water, sunlight, and fertilizers. The leaves can "suffocate" the grass.
Large piles of leaves can lead to an influx of wildlife, such as voles and mice. These rodents are drawn to the protection of the leaves, allowing them to lurk around your lawn.
Ready To Rake?
We encourage homeowners to rake and remove leaves as they fall, so it doesn't become an overwhelming task. This is also a good way of ensuring there is never an excess, suffocating amount of leaves on the lawn.
Leaf Removal Tips
- Rake when the ground is dry
- Do not rake newly seeded lawns as it will kill the seedlings. A leaf blower should be used weekly until the seeds are well established.
- Use leaves as compost or mulch
- Choose a sturdy rake
- Make it a family activity
- Raking in less expensive than dethatching
- Blowers are good for large amounts of leaves, but a rake is needed to clean up sufficiently
- Don't burn leaves
- Rake frequently so it's manageable, and take breaks throughout the process
- Wear proper attire for outside, manual labor
- Work smarter, not harder-rake leaves into a tarp and then drag them away
Ready To Use A Blower?
If raking is a little more than your back can handle, you always have the option to use a leaf blower. If a blower is the right choice for you, we recommend blowing leaves off your lawn, at least weekly, during peak dropping season. No matter your method of leaf removal, it's a must for proper yard maintenance.
Benefits of Fallen Leaves
Don't get us wrong, leaves aren't all bad. A small number of leaves provide a source of nutrients that benefit your soil and plants. Mulching leaves and spreading them throughout your lawn, and flower beds can help slow weed growth and diseases.
While leaf cleanup isn't one of our services, it's an important part of fall lawn care. Whether you take some of our tips above and start raking, or call a professional, your lawn will thank you.
Contact The Nice Guys today for more information about our year-round Lawn Care Service.