7 Steps to Avoid Zoysia Patch
Zoysia patch is a soilborne disease that can affect all cultivars of Zoysia grass. Symptoms of this disease occur when the fungus is present and environmental conditions promote its growth. It is most evident in areas of the lawn that have thick thatch, poor drainage, shade and restrictive air circulation.
Zoysia patch grows in the cool weather of spring and fall. It begins as small circles of 6 inches across and can grow as large as twenty feet in diameter. Patch interior becomes sunken, and injured turf appears thin with a tan, yellow or orange color. A useful diagnostic feature in the field is a brilliant
“orange firing” of the expanding outer ring, whichindicates active infection.While the fungus does not kill the roots of the Zoysia grass, it may take months for affected areas to recover after proper treatment. Without proper fungicide treatment, the problem does not “go away.” It gets worse.
This disease attacks slowly-growing, warm-season grass in cool, wet weather, and is most common on semi-dormant or grass that is going into or emerging from dormancy. Damage can persist through cool, wet conditions and often lasts until warmer spring or summer conditions allow for recovery and active regrowth.
The best way to treat Zoysia Patch is to prevent it.
Tips For Preventing Zoysia Patch
Here are the steps you can take to help avoid this disease:
- Always bag and remove clippings when mowing your Zoysia lawn.
- Core-aerate your lawn once per year to improve drainage.
- Don’t mow when grass is wet.
- Water deeply once per week between 5 and 10 am.
- Prune trees and shrubs to raise the canopy and to improve light and airflow.
- Maintain proper nitrogen levels, especially on damaged turf.
- Resolve any drainage issues.
Think you may have Zoysia Patch? We offer preventative and curative Zoysia Patch treatments consisting of 3 applications per year. Give us a call or email us!