Don’t Let Zoysia Patch Fungus Take Hold In Your Lawn
Zoysia is a fairly low maintenance, dense grass and is common in our area. Though few pests target Zoysia lawns, there is one fungal disease that specifically targets it: Zoysia Patch Fungus. Just as with many lawn diseases, Zoysia Patch Fungus can affect the overall health and beauty of your lawn. Let’s learn a little more about this disease.
When do you see Zoysia Patch Fungus?
Zoysia Patch is most active in early spring or late fall in the southeast when the nights are cool and the days are warm. This is the time when the grass is coming out of or going into dormancy which makes it more susceptible to disease. The following conditions can also contribute to the development of Zoysia Patch Fungus:
- Poor drainage
- Excessive moisture (continuous wetness for 48 hours or longer)
- Extensive shade
- Thick thatch
- Restricted air circulation
What does it do to my lawn?
The diseased areas affected by Zoysia Patch can be as small as 6” or as large as 20’ in diameter. The patches often have an orange ring when the fungus is active and spreading. The grass leaves in the infected area will turn yellow or brown and start to wilt. Once this nuisance disease begins to cause extensive damage to your lawn, the affected areas often have a “sunken” look in the center.

Treating Zoysia Patch Fungus
There’s good news. Fortunately, most of the time this fungus doesn’t affect your lawn’s root system and your lawn will make a full recovery. The recovery process can take weeks to months, and it won’t go away on its own. But eventually, the grass will recover. In rare extreme instances, Zoysia Patch can damage the roots and the remnants of the damage can linger for more than one season.
And there’s more good news: it can be prevented. The best treatment, as with any soil borne fungi, is a preventative fungicide, but we can help with curative measures too. Fungicide treatments tailored specifically for Zoysia Patch will have your lawn healthy again.

What you can do as a homeowner
There are some things you can do as a homeowner to reduce the likelihood of having an issue with Zoysia Patch lawn disease.
- Have professional fertilization treatments with the right amount of nitrogen
- Reduce shade. Trim trees and shrubs that may be keeping sunlight off the grass.
- Water properly. In the absence of rain, irrigate your lawn about 1” per week in one watering. Fungi develops in moist soils.
- Bag your clippings to reduce thatch build up.
We can help!
If you suspect you have an issue with Zoysia Patch Fungus, contact a professional. The lawn will not recover on its own.
Turf Masters Lawn Care offers preventative and curative treatments for fungal diseases, including Zoysia Patch. Contact us today to learn more.