Homeowner Tips for the Best Lawn Weed Control
The Best Lawn Weed Control Tips for Homeowners in the Southeast
Maintaining a lush, green lawn in the Southeast can be a challenge, especially when pesky weeds like dandelions and crabgrass try to take over. But fear not, homeowners! With the right approach to weed control and lawn care, you can achieve a strong, healthy lawn that's the envy of the neighborhood. Here are some of our best lawn weed control tips to help you tackle stubborn weeds and keep your lawn looking its best year-round.
The Best Weed Control Starts with Weed Prevention
To prevent weed seeds from sprouting in the first place, consider using pre-emergent herbicides in early spring to early summer. These products create a barrier in the soil that stops weed seed germination, keeping pesky annual weeds like crabgrass at bay. Not all weeds can be prevented with pre-emergents but they will cut out a large part of stubborn seasonal weeds.
How to Kill Weeds in Your Lawn
For weeds that have already sprouted or can't be prevented, post-emergent herbicides can be applied to target weeds. To kill weeds, use selective herbicides that target specific types of weeds while leaving your turfgrass unharmed. This is particularly important for controlling broadleaf weeds like dandelions and chickweed.
Common Lawn Weeds
For the best weed control, you need to know what you're up against. Being able to spot common lawn weeds in the Southeast, such as dandelions, crabgrass, thistle, chickweed, and plantain, will help you choose the best lawn weed control methods.
Grassy Weeds
Crabgrass is a summer grassy weed that is a common weed problem for many homeowners. If you miss early spring weed prevention, crabgrass can be an uphill battle in your lawn. When actively growing, it can be sprayed with targeted weed control. It thrives in compacted soil so keep up with good mowing and annual aeration to further control crabgrass.
Nutgrasses are a type of sedge that grows in spiky branches and can be found across areas of the southeast. They grow from tubers underground and they can't be prevented with pre-emergents, making them difficult to control. Targeted weed control or hand-pulling are good ways to handle nutsedge. With the Nice Guys at Turf Masters, we use high-quality weed control products to tackle nutsedge infesting your lawn grass all summer.
Broadleaf Weeds
Easily spotted by its small white flowers, Chickweed is a broadleaf winter weed. It's fairly easy to control with weed prevention applied in the fall. You can also use targeted weed control or hand-pulling.
Regular Mowing and Lawn Care
Following a proper mowing schedule is essential for maintaining a healthy lawn and preventing weed growth. Keep your lawn mowed at the recommended height for your grass type. Mowing helps discourage weed germination and promotes a thicker turf density that chokes out weeds.
Aeration and Overseeding for a Healthy Lawn
Aerating your lawn in the early growing season helps to alleviate soil compaction and improve air circulation to the roots. It also helps build your lawn's natural defense against weeds. Warm-season grasses should be aerated in spring. For cool-season grasses, aerate in the fall and follow up with overseeding. This will help fill in thin or bare patches and promote a dense, healthy lawn that's more resistant to weed invasion.
Professional Fertilization and Lawn Weed Control
Weed control is an ongoing process that requires continued upkeep throughout the growing season. If you want to skip the DIY approach, call 'The Nice Guys' at Turf Masters Lawn Care. We have years of experience helping homeowners in Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee, maintain healthy lawns. Our lawn services include fertilization and lawn weed control, tree and shrub care, mosquito control, aeration and overseeding, and more. Contact us today to get a free quote!